
Mehmet Özcan

Head of Department - Investment Incentives and Government

Investment Incentives and Government Supports Consultancy

Executive summary

Mehmet ÖZCAN, has served for government app. for 8 years at Ministry of Culture and Tourism and Develeopment Agency. Since 2012, he has been carrying on consulting activities at private sector in the fields of investment incentives, government supports and grants. He has been providing consultancy services for prominent companies at several sectors.

Simultenously, he gained 2 years experience of plant management in chemicals manufacturing sector at Dep. General Manager position. As of March, 2021 he participated in the BDO Turkey team. Fields of expertise are, investment incentives, export and R&D supports, grants and licenses, permits and certifications.


M.S. in Business Administration, Mersin University 

B.S. in School of Political Sciences/Public Finance Ankara University